Mold will grow in places with a lot of moisture, such as around leaks in roofs, windows, or pipes, or where there has been flooding. Mold grows well on paper products, cardboard, ceiling tiles, and wood products. Mold can also grow in dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery.
Here are a few of OBinspeX's most common home maintenance tips to win the war against fungal growth.
Leaks under Sinks

The area under the sink, whether it’s the kitchen or the bathroom, normally is packed full of lotions, cleaning supplies, backup soaps and shampoos. Moisture can come from any of these items leaking or even hide an otherwise obvious leak.
Make sure everything stored under the sinks are closed or sealed to prevent spilling. Whenever grabbing something from under the sink take a quick peak to make sure there are not any water stains or active water leaks. The best tip OBinspeX can give you is to remove all the items every so often to clean under the sink and inspect for any mildew or moisture.
Shower, Tubs and Tile Grout

The grout in our bathrooms is always exposed to water. Grout is actually very porous and is a great place for mildew to linger. OBinspeX recommends cleaning your grout with a toothbrush or grout brush at least once a month to help eliminate excessive mildew. Resealing your grout annually is highly recommended.

The base of toilets often leak, if not connected properly. If you notice any movement in your toilet base you should consult a plumber. If the damage spreads, then that leak can be an expensive problem to fix. The damage from a loose toilet can cause mold growth and a potential replacement of that floor area.
Caulking Around Tubs and sinks

Caulk if applied properly is suppose to provide a tight seal around tubs and sinks. With age you will see caulk crack, and peel away from the tub allowing a point of entry for moisture.
If you notice the caulk cracking or peeling away from the tub or sinks it is time to reapply. This is a process that should be left to a handyman to ensure a moisture tight seal around your tub.
The key to preventing mold or mildew from spreading is early detection. Especially in bathrooms remain vigilant in your attempts to keep a dry, clean bathroom.
To help prevent potential mold growth from leaks and high moisture areas, here are some tips:
Keep bathrooms and sink areas as dry as possible. Turn your bathroom fan on before you shower or bathe and leave it on for 30 minutes after. This helps reduce moisture in the bathroom.
Check any visible pipes under sinks, tub spouts and shower heads for signs of leaking or previous leaks every 6 or so months.
If you find what you think is mold and want to attempt to clean it yourself, We recommend using bleach, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
Unfortunately, mold is everywhere, but the good news is we can try to prevent it. Creating an atmosphere that is not conducive for mold to grow requires paying attention to any plumbing issues or water leaks/stains that you observe.
At OBinspeX we check all these areas plus many more for any type of moisture intrusion or possible fungal growth. Contact us today!